Wraparound Breakfast/After School Care Club

Introduction to our Wraparound Care
We offer wraparound care in school from 7.40am until 5.30pm. Wraparound care is held in the KS1 building at the top of the steps.
Contact Details
Out of office hours - 01827 896666 Option 7 
7.40am - 8.45am Breakfast Club - Mrs Leach and Mrs Gould 
3.15pm - 5.30pm After School Club - Mrs Leach and Mrs Biddle
The school office is open every day from 8.00am until 4.00pm, if you need to contact the breakfast/after school club staff early in the mornings or late in the afternoon when the office is closed please call 01827 896666 Option 7.
From September all breakfast and after school club sessions will need to be pre-booked by parents on our new 'Clubs' Parentpay system. 

Payment must be made when placing your bookings. If payment is not received within 15 minutes the booking will be cancelled automatically.
If you are not a regular user of wraparound care but need to make a one off booking we can usually accommodate this if space is available. 
Please contact Mrs Clifton who will be able to add it onto Parentpay for you so you can book and pay online. 
Main school office contact number: 01827 896666
For any enquiries or enrolment details please contact Mrs Clifton in the school office from 8.30am until 4.00pm each day, either on the telephone number provided above or email t.clifton@stoneydelph.staffs.sch.uk 
Breakfast Club - All sessions must be prebooked via Parentpay
Current Prices
7.40am - £5.00  (Breakfast Included) 
8.15am - £2.00  (Breakfast not included) 
Parents and children can meet the breakfast club staff Mrs Gould and Mrs Leach at the KS1 pedestrian gate on Crowden Road gate at 7.40am or 8.15am and the children will then be taken into breakfast club.   
After School Club
Current Prices
Until 5.30pm - £7.50  
Children are taken to the after school club in the KS1 building at the end of the school day where they are met by Mrs Leach and Mrs Biddle, the children receive snacks and drinks during each session.
The KS1 pedestrian gate is left unlocked from 3.30pm for parents to enter school site and walk to the after school club building to collect children at any time up until 5.30pm.
Last minute bookings - After School Club
You can book any last minutes sessions up to 2pm on the day if a space is available.
If you need to make a same day booking and its after 2pm, please telephone the school office on 01827 896666 or email t.clifton@stoneydelph.staffs.sch.uk or dojo message Mrs Clifton.
Whilst we will do our best to accommodate, we can not always guarantee a place last minute due to a maximum limit of numbers.
Last minute bookings - Breakfast Club
All breakfast club bookings must be pre-booked. The booking deadline for breakfast club is 10pm the night before. Please do not just turn up on the day without booking as if there are no spaces and breakfast club is fully booked we may not be able to admit your child that morning.
The 7.40am drop off includes breakfast.  The later session from 8.15am does not include breakfast.