Mrs Kate Devitt
Assistant Headteacher & SENCo
We support the learning of all our children through first quality teaching and adaptive teaching. This means that learning activities are planned according to the level the child is working at so that they can make progress and adjustments can be made to support them whilst they learn.
The school follows a graduated approach to meeting learning difficulties has been designed so that parent/carers will be informed if their child has been identified as requiring additional support.
The SENCO, Mrs Devitt, will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and monitor how to support them.
If your child has been identified with extra educational needs, a Support Plan will be written with the teacher and shared with you and your child.
If your child has medical needs, a care plan and pupil profile will be written and shared with you.
All staff have access to these plans. The plans identify how your child should be helped to succeed and make progress. These plans will be reviewed regularly.
We encourage all of our pupils to be fully engaged in all aspects of school life, including trips, visits, enrichment opportunities and extra-curricular activities. We provide additional resources, staff and adjustments to ensure we do everything possible to ensure all children have access to the full curriculum and extra-curricular offer.