Mental Health Matters

We are a mental health aware school. Our staff are all trained in 'Emotion Coaching' and use these strategies to support our pupils every day. We also have staff trained to use 'Hope' in our nurture groups which run weekly to provide pupils with support to manage emotions and feelings.
We have a designated Mental Health Lead (Mrs Parsons) who has accredited training and qualifications is supporting the mental health of staff and pupils.
Our children's well-being champion (Mrs Bevan) and trained drawing and talking therapist, is available every morning to support pupils who need it with individually or in small groups.
Every term, each child has a 1:1 mental health check-in with their classteacher where they discuss feelings and emotions using the Children's Happiness Scale.  These are used to help staff to prioritise the pupils that need further support with their well-being.
Below is a link to the support that our school and those in our academy trust offer for mental health and well-being.

Every Mind Matters


Public Health England, with support from some of the most respected organisations in the field, launched a new mental health campaign called “Every Mind Matters” on 7th October 2019.

Every Mind Matters aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing by promoting a range of self-care actions.

Go to for more information.


Mental Health and Debt
The Guide to Mental Health & Debt Help, info, guidance and support for individuals and carers By Martin Lewis, Jenny Keefe & Marianne Curphey
Malachi and TeenSpirit

Malachi are commisioned by Staffordshire County Council to work holistically with families in the boroughs of Lichfield, Cannock Chase and Tamworth.

We complete 6 week (student only) interventions at school, 12 week family interventions at school or home and up to 6 month targeted family work at school, home and in the community.

All of our work is done at Tier 2 level. For any of our family work, we are required to complete an Early Help Assessement (EHA). This is a simple way to help identify needs of children and families and make a plan to meet those needs. Once completed, we can work together to achieve the goals set out on this plan and make any changes that are necessary.

Managing Conflict at home
The resource below is aimed at 11-19 year olds but may be useful for Y6 and any older children.
Young Minds
Young minds offer mental health support to children and young people.
Below are a few resources you may find helpful or click the following link to be redirected to their website.
We use the Anna Freud resources for Mental Health support. There is lots of helpful advice for parents and carers that can be found by following the link below.