This is a useful site that gives parents a guide to social networking sites that many children are using.
A fully comprehensive site on how to keep your child safe online. It covers current safety issues, as well as gives advice on how to start online safety conversations and how parents can report online abuse.
An engaging site with videos to connect with parents and children. It has tips for using social media and for selecting technology that suit your family’s needs.
Something to have a look at if you’re planning on buying devices, tablets or mobiles and game consoles. Part of the Safer Internet Day UK Site.
This site has links and videos on how to set up parental controls across different internet providers. Part of the Safer Internet Day UK site.
Lots of information about getting into learning.
Articles written by practising teachers designed to help with the education of your child.
The latest and widest range of public service information from the UK government.
Practical tips on helping with children's school work.
Link to OFSTED website where you can share your views of our school.
School Uniform Help