
At Stoneydelph Primary School, we provide a mathematics curriculum that is planned and sequenced to ensure new knowledge and skills build on what has been previously taught. 


Our Mathematics curriculum has been designed to meet the statutory requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum; we do this through adapting The White Rose scheme so that it meets the needs of our children. This was introduced in May 2023. The scheme has been designed to demonstrate appropriate sequencing and allow good coverage of the age-related expectations for the mathematics curriculum as well as providing continuity and progression throughout each year group, ensuring that core curriculum components are taught, revisited and embedded. Whilst the sequencing of lessons are adhered to, teachers use their professional judgements to make appropriate adaptations to meet the needs of their children using additional resources including those provided by the Maths Hub. Our main aim is to make our children fluent in solving calculations involving the four mathematical operations and to equip them with the tools to solve a variety of problems.

What does a Mathematics lesson look like in our school?


Developing problem solving, reasoning skills and mathematical vocabulary is a thread that runs through all of our Maths lessons. Pupils are constantly challenged to explain why, to prove how they know, to convince that they are correct or to find all possible outcomes. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources to support their learning such as hundred squares, number lines, Numicon, cubes, place value cards and other small apparatus.



In the Early Years Foundation Stage, our curriculum is taken from the statutory framework. At our school we ensure that all areas of EYFS learning are important and interconnected using planned, purposeful play and a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities.

Mathematics is taught and reinforced within all areas of the curriculum; the children explore mathematics through different contexts, including storybooks, puzzles, songs, rhymes, puppet play, and games.

To help prepare the children for Year 1, teachers plan lessons using the ‘White Rose’ curriculum. This provides children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems. As well as number, the curriculum supports the children with seeking patterns, making connections, recognising relationships, working shapes and measures, and counting, sorting and matching. Children use their knowledge and skills in these areas to solve problems to ask new questions and make connections across other areas of their learning. It is fantastic to see our children learning through play!


KS1 and KS2

Lessons across KS1 and KS2 follow a 6-part lesson structure. Each lesson begins with an opportunity for pupils to revisit prior learning (Recap, Recall, Remember) improving their fluency and ability to make connections. Starting lessons like this really supports the children to know more and remember more of the mathematical concepts that they are expected to learn for their specific age group. Within the main teaching of a lesson, AfL takes place from any adults in the classroom to determine when independent work can begin. Pupils are encouraged to discuss their work with adults/peers and to use mathematical vocabulary to demonstrate their understanding. Independent work during the lesson is an opportunity for pupils to work independently or collaboratively to show their understanding of fluency, problem solving (including real-life problems) and reasoning. The links made in maths lessons are explicit and focus on real world examples, visual representation, language and manipulatives coming together to solve problems in context. Giving the children time to practice their fluency of mathematical skills and applying them to problem solving and reasoning challenges during a daily lesson develops deeper understanding and gives the children the tools they need to become competent and confident mathematicians over time. Work is usually completed in books where pupils are expected to take pride in their written work and refer to their ‘proud piece’ at the front of their exercise books. Lessons end with addressing misconceptions particularly those related to application and problem solving.


In all mathematics lessons, this is what you will typically see:

• Happy and engaged learners

• Self-motivated children

• Open ended investigations - low threshold/high ceiling tasks

• Word problems

• Different representations of calculations

• Paired/group work – lots of collaboration

• A range of different activities including practical and use of ICT

• Engagement and perseverance

• Children challenging themselves

• Children talking about, sharing and reflecting on their learning

Improving Mathematical Fluency


Mathematical fluency is an essential element of Mathematics at Stoneydelph and we strive to ensure that as many pupils as possible are ready to progress at the end of each year. This is done through Maths Meetings, all children having access to TT Rockstars/Numbots and the use of a bespoke weekly test for pupils to complete. 


Each pupil has access to ‘Numbots’ and ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ in order to practice their rapid recall of the 4 rules of number. If any parent faces a barrier to accessing the digital platforms that the school subscribes to, they are encouraged to contact the class teacher or Mrs. Radcliffe via Dojo. 


TT Rockstars and Numbots are interactive resources that all children have access to both in and out of school. Pupils are encouraged to use these frequently so that basic mathematical concepts become embedded quickly. Parents are to be invited to Maths Workshops throughout the year to work with their children in class and develop a shared love of Mathematics. 


Maths Meeting takes place regularly and the aim of the sessions is to support the continued development of basic mathematical concepts beyond the time when they are taught in a formal lesson. Regular, repetitive, exposure to key concepts will build mathematical fluency and understanding. KS1 classes use Fluency Bee and both KS1 and KS2 use NCETM Ready to Progress resources and Maths Hub year group specific resources.


TT Rockstars and Numbots are interactive resources that all children have access to both in and out of school. Pupils are encouraged to use these frequently so that basic mathematical concepts become embedded quickly. Parents are to be invited to Maths Workshops throughout the year to work with their children in class and develop a shared love of Mathematics. 


99 Club has been adapted and will be delivered weekly during Maths Meetings for pupils to complete independently. This opportunity will allow pupils to show their existing good knowledge but also any gaps that they have in basic mathematical concepts relevant to their age. These can then be addressed in Maths lessons (during Recall, Recap, Remember) or during intervention.

The Stoneydelph Calculation Policy demonstrates how pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of written calculations in the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.)
If you are completing Maths at home, please use this document to demonstrate the strategies that we are teaching in school, whether that be through using equipment and objects (Concrete) using images or diagrams (Pictorial) or written calculations or number sentences (Abstract.)  
Before the Game
Children are welcomed to the game with an opening video, where they are introduced to the central character, “Rusty”. In the video, Rusty asks for help in his quest to find new parts to upgrade him to a diamond robot, so he can “shine inside and out, like a Diamond”. Next, the child will be able to choose a bot name they will play under, as well as their own robot character.

Playing the Game: Story Mode
The game starts in ‘Story Mode’. Here there are 18 stages which each contain multiple levels. Children’s NumBots journey will start on Stage 1 (Rust): Level 1. To unlock the next level, they are required to pass each level with at least 2 out of 3 stars. Once they’ve completed all the levels in Rust Stage, they will be taken to Stage 2 (Iron). As they progress through the levels, they will collect new parts to upgrade Rusty, with the ultimate goal of completing the eighteenth stage: Diamond.

In order to earn the 2 or 3 stars required to pass the level, children must demonstrate a level of fluency when answering the questions. This means they must be accurate and timely with their answers; if children get 0 or 1 stars they need to answer more quickly. We will not move a child onto the next level until we are sure they are prepared for it – which is why they must prove they’ve mastered the previous skill.


Story Mode starts with very basic maths: subitising numbers. As the levels have been meticulously planned with a “teaching for mastery” approach, each level gradually develops in complexity, with one skill building upon the next.


The Custom Shack
For every maths question answered correctly, the child will receive coins to spend in the Custom Shack. Here, they are able to purchase new parts to upgrade and personalise their own robot character. As well as earning coins, children are kept motivated throughout their NumBots journey by collecting badges and winning trophies to reward their achievements.


You as a parent/teacher/tutor can also monitor your child or pupils’ progression using the Stats section. If a child is stuck on a level, it will be highlighted so that you can see where you may need to intervene and support the child in helping them to improve a particular skill. Following this, you can download certificates to celebrate children’s achievements, or just to present to your child as a reward for their hard work!

When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations.
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables!
To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!

Logging On:

1. Type into your browser’s address bar.

2. Click Login! > School > Student

3. Enter the School Name.

4. Enter your child’s username and password.

Game Modes

Single Player
Garage - the questions will only come from the times tables the teacher has set for the week. It will include multiplication and division questions.
As pupils start to answer questions, TT Rock Stars works out which facts they take longer on and will give them more of these questions to answer. The Garage is best for getting quicker at a few facts. Players get 10 coins per question.
Studio - the questions in the Studio can be anything from 1×1 up to 12×12. TT Rock Stars calculates the mean response time from their last 10 games in the Studio and translates that time into a Rock Status.

If you don’t play in the Studio you don’t get a Rock Status.

Players earn 1 coin per question and the Studio is the place for them to set their best time across all the tables.
Soundcheck – When you play Soundcheck, you get 20 questions each with a 5-second time limit. The questions are multiplication only and evenly weighted in terms of difficulty each time you play. Players earn 5 coins per correct answer.


Rock Arena - The Arena allows players to compete against all other members of their Band (their Bandmates would need to join the same game in order to compete together). A new Arena game starts every 15 seconds and once the clock starts they race to answer more questions than the others. In the Arena, questions will only come from the times tables the teacher has set for the week, similar to the Garage. They earn 1 coin per correct answer.
Rock Festival - The Rock Festival games are open to players from around the world. Like the Arena, there is no limit to the number of players who can join a game; however, unlike the Arena, questions are selected at random from 1×1 to 12×12. Pupils might choose the Rock Festival if they were playing at home (and therefore couldn't easily synchronise playing against a classmate) or wanted to compete against others not in their Band. They earn 1 coin per correct answer.